What Did I Get Up To?
This month has been a really weird one for weather, just when I think it’s about to get warmer it’s -5°C and I’m snowed in. So due to our bipolar weather it’s been difficult to plan anything, but I did manage make a few day trips and a weekend anyway to Cornwall between work.
-Walks in the countryside-
I live in an area surrounded by a lot of pretty parks and fields so it would be silly not to take advantage, despite how very cold it was. My partner and I decided to take the dog to Cockington to enjoy the sun while it was out, it’s one of my favourite places just because it’s such a beautiful place (and great for dog walks).

-A weekend in Penzance-
Toward the end of February me and my boyfriend planned a weekend away since we’d never been away together. We got there at 2pm and checked in, we found out pretty quickly that it’s very cold and very windy in Cornwall which I wasn’t well prepared for. We did as much sight seeing as we could in the weather conditions, including st Michaels Mount, but unfortunately a lot of the island was closed off due to it being out of season. We stayed in the hotel right on the promenade so the views we had were beautiful even though the sea was so rough the whole time. We only stayed for 2 nights but it was still lovely to get away for a few days.

For the past few days we’ve had a lot of snow, which is pretty exciting because we NEVER get snow where I live, today it had snowed all day so there was no going anywhere, the roads were completely covered and very slippy, so of course I spent the day looking at and playing in the snow, it’s such a rarety here. I’ll do a post about the snow in a few days because it just so pretty in pictures. The snow it supposed to be heavy all over the uk, with some places having 20 inches of snow! If anyone else has had heavy snowfall I’d love to hear it 💕
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